The Blog is One Year Old ! Giveaway !!! - Closed

Hello my Bunnies,

Today is a celebration day ! My blog is one year old !

I can’t believe how quickly it went ! (How cliché of me to say that, but it’s true !)

To thank you all for following me and reading and commenting on my articles and because I want to, I’ve prepared two prizes for you to win.

The rules on how to participate are down below.

I bought everything myself and only included products that I love. I also tried to buy products that are harder to find in Switzerland.

As there are two prizes, there will be two winners. Don’t forget to tell me whiche prize you’d like to win.

1st prize:

2nd prize :

To participate it is mandatory to :
  1. Be subscribed to my newsletter (top right)
  2. Leave me a nice comment telling me what you like, don’t like or would like to see on my blog, and including your email address (so that I can check that you are subscribed to the newsletter) as well as which prize you want to win.
  3. Live in Switzerland or Europe
  4. Be 18 or over or have your parents/guardian approval to participate
For more chances to win you can
  1. Follow me on some of these social medias (1 chance / media)
    1. Hellocoton
    2. Bloglovin’
    3. Twitter
    4. Instagram
    5. Facebook
  2. Share the giveaway on twitter, facebook or instagram (1 chance / media - only once on each)
*don’t forget to leave your username for each social media as well as the links if you share the giveaway
*I’ll give one extra chance to the ones who were already following me on at least one of the platforms

You have 3 weeks to particpate, that is until the 25th of august at 23:59.
I will use to determine the winners.
I won’t accept entries from accounts created only for giveaways
I will disqualify anyone that I feel is here only for the prize (my blog, my rules. I want to thank my faithful readers !) and anyone whose comment isn't nice enough :P
The prizes have already been bought and can’t be changed (I don’t know who’d be rude enough to ask that but bloggers feel like they have to clarify that so I do too)

Accounts who unfollow straight after the end of the giveaway will be banned from any future giveaway (and I’m persistant enough to track them all down !)

I think that is all.

Good luck and thank you for your presence and support !!!


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